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Finding the perfect headjoint won't save your soul, practicing will.

--Michel Debost

Put a metronome in your breakfast.

--Marcel Moyse

I love the flute -- but I don't always like the noise it makes.

--Trevor Wye

When you play melody, think exercise.  When you play exercise, think melody.  I prefer a beautiful melody to a fantastic technique.

--Marcel Moyse

. . . A flute is just a piece of very expensive plumbing.

--Michel Debost


"....You cannot achieve speed by speedy practice. The only way to get fast is to be deep, wide awake, and slow. When you habitually zip through your music, your ears are crystallizing in sloppiness." ....Pray for the patience of a stonecutter. ....Pray to understand that speed is one of those things you have to give up - like love - before it comes flying to you through the back window."

'The Listening Book' by W.A. Mathieu, p. 101.